I think we all remember my adorable friend and her adorable boyf? The ones with the co-blog? They eat vegetables and have low alcoholic thresholds? Marathons and Iron Mans? Early bedtimes and... more vegetables? I don't know what healthy people do.
Yeah her (and them). Anyway it was afternoon here, and I was engaging in a favorite pastime of my working days: avoiding work by gchatting with my friends. As my other friend and I talked about stuff I can't remember (almost definitely poop), the ever practical adorable runner asked what I do all day.
Maybe I should give a bit of background by saying that this girl does not play. There is no bullsh*tting her, you don't get to "watermelon watermelon" your way through an answer and trick her into thinking you responded and that she just doesn't understand. She's very smart and will not be outwitted by the likes of your (or my) dummy ramblings.
Anyway, she asked what I do all day, what I really do. As I started to give her a run down, she was kind of amazed (I think?) at how good I am at doing so much to get so little done over such a long period of time. I think.
As I started up on teasing her again about her adorkable co-blog*, she insisted that I should have a blog. Good idea, I could blog about my days of "playing housewife" (we'll come back to what that means to me later). And then I remembered that I already have a neglected blog, and that maybe that's another thing I could do between my v. important daily activities of housewifery. Yes, that is a...adjec....verb? Verb.
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the house that I wife in |
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