Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...

...gunpowder, treason, and plot!

I know this post is a bit anachronistic, but I forgot that I had something to post for Bonfire Night. It was so weird, I like to think that someone in the administration is radical, an angry 15th century Catholic, crazy, or (best case scenario) all three. I also talk about how everything (and I mean everything) is on CCTV. They don't need the Patriot Act here, they just as Big Brother.

Enjoy the video.

In case you can't hear it, he says: "Attention! You are being watched. Do not be alarmed by this; this is for your own protection"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Are You Wearing Pants? (A short guide)

Look down, now look back at me. Are you wearing pants? Don't lie to me. No one likes liars. Maybe you are unsure. Let's see if I can help you find out. Before we start, I just want you to know that it is (kind of maybe) okay if you are not wearing pants. If you are in the comfort of your own home, pants are optional. If you are in the comfort of your own parents' home, pants are optional (take note, mom). If you are swimming, pants are optional. If you are wearing a skirt, dress, or shorts, pants are no longer an option at all. If you spend more than 43% of your time traveling on more than 2 of your limbs, pants are optional. There are SO many pictures I want to put up, but I will stop at two.

Notice how the "private sector" is the native habitat of the eternally offensive camel toe

For the rest of us, here are some questions to answer:

Part A:
o Do your "pants" have a zipper somewhere near the top?*
o Do they have any buttons?
o Do they have pockets?**
o Do they have a drawstring? Note: this only counts if you also answer "yes" to the next question--
             Are your "pants" originally intended for exercising and/or sleep?

If you have answered "yes" to any of these, you are probably wearing pants. If you are still not sure, or if you have answered "no" to two or more of the questions, go to Part B.

Part B
o Have you ever seen a female politician wear "pants" like yours under a skirt?
o Have you ever seen any woman (other than a goth, Betsey Johnson, or a lady hobo/George Clinton) wear "pants" like yours under a skirt?

If you have answered "no" to either of these, you are probably wearing pants. If you are still not sure, or if you have answered "no" any of the questions, go to Part C.

Part C: (you should enlist the help of an impartial stranger for this. do not ask your friends to help, they will lie.)
o Ask your observer to describe your underwear to you.
       Were they right?
              Did they even tell you the color and/or design?

If you answered "yes" to pretty much any of the questions in Part C, you are NOT wearing pants. If you are still not sure, you are (probably) not wearing pants.

If you are not wearing pants:
You are probably an English adolescent
You're not an English adolescent? Then you are a 40+ year old woman who just assaulted my eyes with her camel toe. That is ocular aggression and I do NOT appreciate it.
Put on some pants. No one*** finds that shit attractive
Seriously, go put on some pants.

So glad if I could help. I hope this reaches all the hooties I see on the way to school every day, and the camel-toe mamas (grandmas?) wandering around the city center. Maybe next week we can talk about why the tops of pantyhose aren't meant to be seen, and why buttcheeks are not appropriate outside of Brazil and strip clubs. I have listed some clarifications below, in case some of the terms are too ambiguous. If you are new to pants, welcome to the team. We are sure glad to have you. Maybe you can stop by mine for a no-pants Saturday sometime, if you start to miss the old days. I have listed some inspirational quotes that you can turn to, if you are having a hard day. Whitney has taught us so much, from the wackness of crack to the importance of pants. She is a true national treasure. Johnny Depp might be on drugs. Mitch Hedberg brings up a good point, but I think it's clear to say that there is no "I" in hero, and sometimes it takes a village to help a person properly clothe him or herself. Finally, just in case you are unconvinced, please view this highly informational website:
If you are STILL not convinced, googleimage "tights are not pants". If nothing else, see how people will mock you and generally talk about how dumb/disgusting/slaggy (that's British for "slutty") you are on the interwebs (that's the same place where facebook and twitter are. Do you want all your fb friends and followers, and other random stalkers, to know how dumb/disgusting/slaggy you are? Do you!?!?!). Please enjoy the inspirational quotes I promised:

I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.
-Whitney Houston
I may have a feather duster down my pants.
-Johnny Depp
My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don't really know what's happening down there. Who is the real hero?. . .
-Mitch Hedberg 


* "top" is the part above the crotch, before they split off for your legs. although bottom-oriented zippers may be great, they do not necessarily help what you are wearing be pants

**Pocket Guide:
1 pocket: Are you sure those are pants? They might not be. If they are, that's cool,I guess, but how do you carry things?

2 pockets: Maybe you're born with it, maybe they're pants. You are looking good. I assume that if you are wearing pants, they are sleek

3 pockets: Yeah, those are probably pants. That seems unbalanced, but hey, whatever works for you...

4 pockets: Congratulations!! There is an 87% chance you are wearing pants!

>4 pockets: You are almost definitely in pants, but...the 90's (and hunters and fishermen) called. They said stop wearing cargo pants.

*** The type of person that finds this attractive is no good. Under NO circumstances should you enjoy their attention or procreate with them. If you have their babies, you are dead to me. No joke.

NB: I do not care about the miniscule differences between "tights" and "leggings". Neither are pants.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling Back

Reppin' the fam

Me fussing at someone

The Dales (some sheep in there, too)

It was recently Halloween,
and my sister came to visit for about 2 weeks! We were in Leeds, took some short trips to York
On our way somewhere
and the Yorkshire Dales, and we spent a long weekend in London. We met some sheep, saw some weird hairy cows, Portia met someone famous, Luke and I had a great Halloween dinner with his former roommates, and I yelled at people. All in all, it's been good!
causing a ruckus in the tube
Party pooper wouldn't take part (in York)
Thing1, Thing2, The Cat in the Hat!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Siem Reap

Here are some pictures of our weekend trip to Siem Reap, with some great videos of me celebrating my favorite wat (temple).

Please note the sign above the toilet. They're not even trying to be funny, this is a real issue that plagues toilets all over Cambodia.

View from Angkor Wat (the famous one, it's on their flag)

cool picture of Phia
He was missing a few parts, so I gave him a hand... and a head.

I'm being a face, looking at that face. There were a lot of faces at this temple. Everywhere.

 This is from the night before

The Main Eventt!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I know I know, I've been horrible. I haven't posted in almost a month, but most of you know I have good reason! Those feet started a-itchin again, and it was time to leave this:
That's a durian. Bigger than her head, same size as mine.

and this:
who will tell me how to use toilets now?

Phia got bit by a mosquito and couldn't open her was pretty funny

and that! For..... well I didn't have any pictures at the time, and I'd never really been north of London, but I hear it gets REALLY cold, and I imagine that's where a lot of the fights with Ireland and Scotland happened (like Braveheart) so I mostly imagined this:

and chavs and this:

That's the biggest city north of London.

Well! I was in for quite a surprise! Skipping through all the annoying details of traveling and throwing down $500 on excess baggage (mind you, just about all of it was gifts for family, so I hope they enjoy them!) and trying to save Bangkok, Thailand, while it didn't want to be saved, I FINALLY got to Leeds. To this:

Luke is super romantic, and really into very cute things (some of which is unfortunately lost on me), so I was surprised but not astonished by his adorableness. This guy makes romcoms look like DieHard. I wasn't fully prepared for what came next, which was this:

Where's Waldo? Little box, edge of the table......

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My weekend (pt.1)

I think this is pretty much the moment you've all been waiting for since you heard I was heading to Cambodia! Just  for being good sports, I gave you a little bonus, too...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

FINALLY something good from Canadia

If you know me at all, you know about me and Canadia. I'm not going to to into my list of possible spies (aka American impersonators aka LIARS), or reasons why the place simply cannot be trusted, if you love and want to protect the very fiber of U.S. American-ness. I do have to admit, however, I have found two good things from Canada.

Both are food related. The first I have never eaten, but if I ever went to Canada, this is why I would go. The second is Voortman's Oatmeal Cookies. They are AMAZING. For the past two weeks, the inside of my head has been a continuously running track of LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem, Kimbra's Settle Down, and every sensory experience I can recall from eating these cookies.  Their smell, their taste, their consistency, the way they feel in my hands, how it sounds inside my head while I am chewing them.... it's so good they need theme songs. Two of them.

Another reason I might be obsessed with these cookies is that it's currently Ramadan, and as most of you know, although I am not Muslim, I've been fasting during the Islamic holy month for the past 4 years or so... I'm pretty lucky because sundown is before 18:30 here (that's 6:30 PM) so I don't usually get too hungry or thirsty. Of course, before every one freaks out (like they do every year), if I feel sick, or faint, or anything like that, I will definitely eat/drink. I thought it would be hard here because it's so hot, but it ends up that I spend most of my time sitting or laying in air-conditioned rooms. Plus, I probably have little bit of extra "energy" stored up from Mak feeding me a marathon runner's diet on the feeding schedule of a newborn baby.

That does bring up the issue of Pa and Mak. They are my adoptive parents for my sejour here, and they have promised my parents I will make it out of Cambodia alive and well. They are taking that promise very seriously. Apparently there is an illness that I will contract if I "starve myself" (not really how I'd describe fasting or skipping meals, but whatevs). I'm not sure what it is, but Mak tells me about it when she suspects I haven't eaten when she thinks I should have. I've been pretty crafty dodging Mak around daytime meal times, but Pak is stealth. Phia and I compare him to a turtle-- slow and quiet, til he snaps and you're missing a finger. He snapped today and I got so busted! He just asked point blank if I skipped lunch. I can't lie to him... I had to say yes, but I promised (honestly) that I would eat soon. He shamed me in his quiet way and told me not to starve, lest I get sick.

I'm not sure how much longer I can last like this, but I'll do what I can within means. For now, I will daydream about my America-lite cookies.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lil Mama Stay Fly (I Love Your Girl)

Phia's Mom (has got it goin on)
I know guys, I know. I have been slacking. It's been almost a full month since I last posted, but I have a good reason! The clouds parted, and on a a rainbow sunbeam landed Mak Om, Phia's mom. She kicks ass, takes names, then forgets the ones that aren't important. Here my top 5 legitimizing reasons for having such a huge lady crush on Mak:

1. THE FOOD. She's like a vending machine, but with better food, and it also encourages you to eat, and tells you about the food it gives you. She worries if I don't eat. She encourages me to eat. Often. She cooks all kinds of stuff. She encourages me to eat. Food everywhere.




2. She's a doer. This lady is all about getting stuff done. This is something I can appreciate, because I have been known to be very active in short, intense spurts. Her first day here, she had the faucet changed. A week in, she had a leaky bidet hose (yeah I don't wanna talk about it) fixed. It's not enough that I just like these things because it's stuff happening (happening stuff is a "like" of mine), but these things really should have been changed. The faucet was one of those push down ones that slowly comes up, like in the beach bathroom because they don't want the beach bums (no offense to any homeless person who lives in a beach bathroom. We've all been there, even if only for the week of Fiesta or ASVT) to leave the faucets on and kill the whales. She walked in, said f*ck that, and now it's a normal twisty faucets that people with self control and attention spans are trusted to use. BAM.

3. She is some sort of repellent. Phia and I were having some problems with pest control for a while, and Mak has put an end to that. Nuff said. On a somewhat related note, I saw a moth (that's right, the evil butterfly's uglier and eviler cousin) as big as my index and ring finger next to each other. I do NOT have small hands. Just thinking about it makes me want to pee and puke. Anywhoo, I was left to believe that she removed it from our outer-door hallway area (I made Phia peek out the door while I held weapons a couple of feet behind her). Crisis averted.

4. She's from United. If you've talked to me lately, you've probably good how all things from "United" are good. United is Mak's way of saying "The (Mighty and Wonderful) United States of America". I thought that this lady is from Cambodia, she did not leave in the most desirable conditions, she built a successful life and a family in a new country, she must be happy to come back here and floss like a boss. No? She kind of hated not having her regular American conveniences? She's more patriotic than anyone I've ever met? Oh. Nothing is off-limits. Cherries, possible husbands for her daughters (there are 4, 3 are unmarried, all are goooooorg), cars, drivers, meat, packaged food, drinks, restaurants, furniture, strawberries, air... you name it. All of them are far better In United. Phia and I have been trying to tape some of these gems, so we can edit the video and send it to Obama. Lady deserves some sort of medal of honor or something...

5. No, really, she does. All the food and patriotism aside, Mak is super badass. I don't know how much you know about Cambodia's fairly recent past, not to mention this and this, but she's lived through it all, struggled through it all, seen it all. She's some sort of lady phoenix, rising and rising from the craziness of the world.

Of course, I miss my mom, and my family, but I couldn't ask for a better Mak than Mak.

Plus, you know, she encourages me to eat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

this one is specifically for Phia and my sister...

I blew a super green booger out of my nose on Monday. The greenest I've ever seen from my nose, maybe ever in my life! Why was it so green?

Are there leprechauns in my nose? Happy 4th of July!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

a gecko pooped on my shoulder yesterday.

It came back later and apparently it's worth a lot of money and Phia says I should have "raised it like it was my baby" and to "put two and two together". Not sure what that means, but I told her that she's freakin crazy.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

ummmm are we in the same country?

I am beginning to think that Khmer people here don't think it's hot...

just as hot as ever, but I've seen quite a few layered looks, some leg warmers on the arms, and thermals. I, meanwhile, am sweating so much that it has been impossible to stay hydrated since I've gotten here. Creeper pics to follow. (Of the freakishly un-sweaty layered folks, not sweaty-and-shiny me).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I know I said I wasn't gonna post again, but this can't wait. Tell your neighbors, tell your friends. Before we start, I should say that there's nothing wrong with having fair skin, if that's what you have. We got what we got. Also, if you are a Korean pop star, no offense (and can we talk? I have questions).

Phia and I just got really worked up about something that has been bothering us for a while: the widespread use of skin whitening creams in Cambodia, and the large companies that endorse-- no, encourage it.

Olay has a huge "love the skin you're in" campaign in the states... Here, "lay" (as in Olay without the O) is how you say lotion, and lotion is how you say skin bleach. Seriously, the very first thing that Phia (and quite a few other women who have spent extended time in Southeast Asia) told me was, "BRING YOUR OWN MOISTURIZER!!! All of theirs have bleaching agents in them". What was that about the skin I'm in?

Dove is on a very serious "mission", a "movement for self esteem". We've all seen those Boticelli-esque women in granny panties lookin all stoked that they're half naked on a bus stop. Unfortunately that love yourself, "Campaign for Real Beauty" has not reached srok Khmer (that's how you say "Cambodia" in Cambodian). In fact, Dove is one of the biggest perpetrators of the skin bleaching fad that is fairly new here. Deceiver has a pretty good article about Unilever (Dove's parent company who actually got so offensive with its wildly popular Fair and Lovely skin lightening cream commercials that they got banned in India... but that hasn't made the cream any less popular). At least in India, Unilever had the decency to pretend to be another company. Here, RealCampaignForBeautyDove is the exact same as MakeYourUglyDarkSkinLighterSoYouCanBePrettyDove. Same font in the same blue color with the same white background. Same occasional swooshy light blue accents. Khmer people in the past have "preferred" lighter skin, and there was a lightening or preventative (read: SPF 8 billion and long sleeve shirts and pants AND socks AND a hat WITH a scarf AND gloves in heat that literally sometimes just makes me angry for no reason other than its freaking HOT) culture has been around for a while, but it wasn't quite as widespread until....

(cue villian "dun dun DUN" here)

Which brings me (us) to my next point. Korean pop music and pop culture have become very big here. Very big. A little fact about the general Korean population is that they have a tendency to be somewhat lighter complected than the average Khmer person. This fact has not escaped Khmer youth. With commercials on a television channel watched by most Khmer youth that literally say:

Korean stars, don't you just love them?
Porcelain skin, countoured body lines. Irresistible features. Unbelievably perfect.
Catch a 360 degree look at Korean Perfection. From all directions, all angles, and all dimensions...
(Field Notes Productions has a good post on SEA's obsession with K-pop)

it's no wonder that there's such an issue. Seriously? Seeeeeeriously? I'm not saying that Korean people aren't awesome, but this is going a bit far. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned with my nationalism and ethnocentrism, but shouldn't everybody kind of just think that their country is the best, and their people are pretty much better than other people? It's how countries roll, how they stay nations and how they engage in wars*. It hurts my ego when the photo place lightens my skin with photoshop before printing my picture (for my school ID, pictures to come when I work that out), but it hurts my soul when the future of a country** lightens its skin with toxic chemicals so it can be more like someone else. Below, enjoy a comparison of pictures that almost made me punch the computer screen.

Caption for the website: "Do you see skin the way we do? Your skin is amazing"
what the picture says:
The Vaseline Skin Fund works to improve the lives of those affected by skin conditions by providing them with better access to the specialist knowledge, advice and support they need. Our aim is to benefit at least three million people worldwide by 2012.

The VSF works in partnership with non-profit and charity organisations to provide vital information and advice on skin health to people suffering from skin conditions. We also fund projects that offer support to people who are dealing with the daily challenges a skin condition can bring.

In this way we aim to help make life better for millions of people with clinical skin conditions around the world.

Uhhh really Vaseline? Cuz I heard (in the local Khmer shi-shi grocery store) that you want to help bleach the shit outta my "amazing" skin, sometimes with chemicals that have been outlawed in western nations. I wonder if their products ever cause some of the skin problems that their foundation is setting out to help. Funny how it's in Khmer, but I do understand "85%" and that color wheel in front of the woman whose arms turn from brown to bleached by the time they turn into shoulder.

Wait, that's not funny at all...

Okay I would rant some more, but the first day of class is tomorrow so I should go rest up! It's gonna be a 15-hour day...

*This does not mean that I support (or oppose) war in any way. Just sayin' that they've happened.

**And possibly the entire region of Southeast Asia

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bad news, ADORABLE kitten

Hey, world (small group of people who indulge me and read this)

I have so much to show you! Monsoon! Wedding crashing! Me pretending to fall off things! Wild animals! Weird food! Royal palace (aka Phia's boo's pad)! Phia and me with weird stuff on our heads!

But you don't get to see any of it, because I can't figure out how to get it onto this computer. I know, I did it once, I should just do the same thing again, but somehow that is not the way things work. Until I: a) can get a new power cord b) get a power cord from Phia's cousin c) ask my parents to send my power cord (which I'm not doing yet because the postal system here is pretty faulty and Phia's cousin is maybe saying he can get one? I don't really know, I'm not sure what's going on with that), you can look at this adorable kitten video I found on the internet:

I like to narrate and say "streeetttch!" (like you would to a baby when it wakes up)when it stretches, then "OHHHH NOOOO!" (like the voice of an ant village as it gets smashed, but more adorable) when it covers its head.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

this is worth like, a bajillion words...

Okay, so... pictures. These are kind of organized in little groups, like mini-stories, through picture.

"No sleep til Phnom Penh" this is the progression of my room at my parents house, during packing

"How delicious. Make you taste back!" the beginning of my Khmer food adventures

<<My first Khmer meal! Finger lickin' good....

Just kidding, I had this (below) with some pho for breakfast... those fried bread things are awesome, it's like a donut but without the sugar so you can eat it with soup, or dip it in sugar (or coffee) if you want something sweet

<<The infamously stinky durian is in the styrofoam container. I'm not gonna lie, it really does smell like garbage. It tastes really great, though!

(below) The first "exciting" Khmer thing I ate (if you don't count the durian) was these ants... you can't really tell, but there's small ones, GIANT ones, and their larvae, all mixed with beef and some cilantro, etc. It was actually pretty good, kinda sweet.

<< A super yum (green) pumpkin and egg custard dessert!

<<<I've heard so much about mangosteen, but I'd never seen a real one or eaten it... til now! Pretty tasty...

In the ex-pat grocery store that has butter, hot cheetos,
and ribena, we found this:

I guess the marketing tactic is that they don't want there to be any confusion about what you're getting.

Unlike the package we found (below). Nothing about the label tells me what that food is, not even in an animal-vegetable-mineral sort of way. Maybe the script in the other language has a clue in it?

"Them" bugs are a part of life, here. In a place where everything thrives, every thing thrives.

I interrupted Phia doing some work in the office with a dilemma...
There was a GIANT bug in my shoe! It might not look that big in this picture, but if you know how big my feet are, you can imagine how huge that bug is (think Edgar from Men In Black).

Phia kind of laughs, but admits that she's also scared. But then she says, "wait, where's your other sandal?"
Did she not understand? There was a GIANT bug in our room! Look back at the bug picture. Clearly my other sandal was in the same place where it was when I took the picture, next to the shoe with the bug in it. Who's going that close to that thing, just for a sandal?

Phia's aunt agrees to get rid of the bug for us, since clearly I am ready to just move out of the apartment and find somewhere new to live.

But wait... she says something in Khmer and comes towards me WITH THE BUG IN HER HAND!

I refuse to go anywhere near her and am trying to pry the metal lattice off the window so I can jump out. We're on the 8th floor, my fall can't be worse than whatever she is attempting to do. Phia says her aunt is laughing because it's a cricket. Apparently, crickets are good luck. They want me to play with the cricket. I continue to work on the window...

<< My little cricket friend (yeah, that's what they look like here)

Just kidding! (about the last part, the rest was true). That thing is some crazy fruit that's kind of like lychee. It's called a rambutan.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A day in the life...

We went to the beach on Wednesday, on "Silk Island". Pictures to come. For now, you get words:

20:59, Wednesday 01 June 2011

Bugs here do weird things. Seriously. I just saw one rocking back and forth, then do a somersault. It reminded me of something I did when I was little at Scott Center. I don't have a clear idea of why we were doing it, or what the point of learning to roll around head-over-seat was, but I do recall being pretty good at it. This bug was only so-so. If this was his "talent" on America's Got Talent, I would not send him to the next round.

Just sayin.

18:27 Wednesday 01 June 2011

At the beach today, a little boy materialized just for the purpose of staring at me. Phia teased me about my "new little friend", but that did not discourage him. He didn't speak any English, but I feel like he could still tell what she was saying, and still was unaffected. Later, we saw him on a coconut party boat. The Coconut Party Boat. No, this is not a Khmer fad or saying, it is a boat from which people sell coconuts. A boat that, for some reason, was blastin tunes. It could be that coconuts are the happenin' fruit and that all their vendors party in order to display how glad they are to be on a boat, and not earthbound like those poor jackfruit folt (or even worse, with a cart like the papaya salad lady). Either way, we divined that my new friend is with the band-- that is to say, he probably lives on Coconut Party Canoe. Which, I'm pretty sure, by some Cambodian common law, makes me the heiress to the Coconut Party Kingdom (as his nearest and dearest closest friend who gave him a coconut waffle to share with his brother). Not laughing so hard any more are ya, Phia???

16:18, Wednesday 01 June 2011

The king of Cambodia is single. So is my friend, Phia. I've taken to calling him her "boo". If you know Phia, this is not much of a stretch.

15:58 Wednesday 01 June 2011

Silk is kinda gross. From what I understand, it's some sort of worm excretion, and the worms have to be pampered and fed special stuff, and when they get fat from being lazy and pampered, and just sitting and pooping out thread, some one eats them.

I know right? Totally gross.

13:10 Wednesday 01 June 2011





It's clearly some sort of cruel and unusual punishment to be in a country this hot, whose women dress so conservatively (let's be real, who doesn't dress conservatively by my standards?), at a beach, whose water will make me sick if I even so much as wade in it.

Hey, where'd that little boy come from? And what's that sound?

12:00 Wednesday 01 June 2011
Ahhhhhhyeah! We're going to the beach! Mmmm, I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just as I thought "oh hey, that wasn't half bad", I realize I left my computer cord at my parents house. So sleepy, so angry with myself, and also with whomever owns the dog that is squeaking at people who walk by (in airports, there's a lot of walking by).

but there's a lot of foreign language going on and that always makes me happy.

edit: I am now in Cambodia and the whole flight experience was actually really great. Still bummed I left my cord, but I'll figure it out... more to come soon!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

maybe I didn't technically invent it... whatever

Okay.... I am going to Cambodia. In like, 36 hours. I have slept longer than that. I still haven't packed. Maybe I don't need to? I'm sure I'll get to it.

 So as many of you have surmised from personal experience with me, I am not the most "dynamic" (my father's words) person in the world. Heck, I'm not even the most "dynamic" person in the room. Some have even ventured into four letter insults like "lazy". I prefer energy efficient. As a genius of sorts in efficiency, I have found a way to communicate with a large number of people who want to know about what's going on, and see pictures of my oh-so-glamorous life (snapshots of me eating fried tarantulas to come). I call this new form of communication a "blog". I'll try to keep you all posted as to the wacky situations into which I get myself (yeah, that formal grammar just happened), and I can now say things to people like "ooh, let me get a picture of this for my blog!" It will be great.

Until then, I will bid you adieu, in anticipation of blog greatness.  
that is a picture I drew of myself.

that is a blurry picture of a sunrise that I think pretty much makes me anticipate... something.

Image associate as you will.