Monday, June 13, 2011

Bad news, ADORABLE kitten

Hey, world (small group of people who indulge me and read this)

I have so much to show you! Monsoon! Wedding crashing! Me pretending to fall off things! Wild animals! Weird food! Royal palace (aka Phia's boo's pad)! Phia and me with weird stuff on our heads!

But you don't get to see any of it, because I can't figure out how to get it onto this computer. I know, I did it once, I should just do the same thing again, but somehow that is not the way things work. Until I: a) can get a new power cord b) get a power cord from Phia's cousin c) ask my parents to send my power cord (which I'm not doing yet because the postal system here is pretty faulty and Phia's cousin is maybe saying he can get one? I don't really know, I'm not sure what's going on with that), you can look at this adorable kitten video I found on the internet:

I like to narrate and say "streeetttch!" (like you would to a baby when it wakes up)when it stretches, then "OHHHH NOOOO!" (like the voice of an ant village as it gets smashed, but more adorable) when it covers its head.

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