I know I know, I've been horrible. I haven't posted in almost a month, but most of you know I have good reason! Those feet started a-itchin again, and it was time to leave this:
That's a durian. Bigger than her head, same size as mine. |
and this:
who will tell me how to use toilets now? |
Phia got bit by a mosquito and couldn't open her eye...it was pretty funny |
and that! For..... well I didn't have any pictures at the time, and I'd never really been north of London, but I hear it gets REALLY cold, and I imagine that's where a lot of the fights with Ireland and Scotland happened (like Braveheart) so I mostly imagined this:
chavs and this:
That's the biggest city north of London. | |
Well! I was in for quite a surprise! Skipping through all the annoying details of traveling and throwing down $500 on excess baggage (mind you, just about all of it was gifts for family, so I hope they enjoy them!) and trying to save Bangkok, Thailand, while it didn't want to be saved, I FINALLY got to Leeds. To this:
Luke is super romantic, and really into very cute things (some of which is unfortunately lost on me), so I was surprised but not astonished by his adorableness. This guy makes romcoms look like DieHard. I wasn't fully prepared for what came next, which was this:
Where's Waldo? Little box, edge of the table...... |
Needless to say, I lost my mind, sacked all of my planning-my-wedding-since-I-was-a-girl plans so I could have that internal "what colors will I choose!?!?" drama, and called my parents to tell them that they'll get their son-in-law and grandbabies (eventually) from me after all. We'd had a talk before I left, and they made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that Luke is a total catch and I needed to bag him ASAP (or someone else will!). I like to think I did my father proud when I got that ring. I won, Daddy! I won!!! Plus, they (like every other breathing creature) has some sort of intense love affair with Luke (can I blame them?) so I think that being more closely affiliated with him actually wins me points within my family. I think it's one of those "well, if he likes her, I guess there must be something to it! Her poop jokes aren't
that bad...."
Knowing the true way to my heart, he also planned a 6 course dinner, with all of my favorite things: shellfish, sweet potatoes, cheese, cheese, onions, more shellfish, and cheese...it was de-LISH. Apparently, he's been learning how to cook all these things in preparation for the engagement dinner, knowing that I might take back my "yes" if they were gross
(jk. mostly.). It took him months to perfect everything, and he made a very cute keepsake recipe book that looks a lot like one of his lab books, which is cute, because that's pretty much what it is. We have test tubes with different oils in them, which he experimented with to see which had the best flavor. Such a scientific approach to cooking! I was also very impressed that he made some things that I had previously tried to make with him/ teach him how to make that he never really took to, getting lost in the chemical reaction phase of stuff while I made the food.
None of that here! I wasn't even allowed in the kitchen for the entirety of the dinner, and we had some great leftovers for a week and a half. The apartment is really great, but a bit of a tip at the moment (English for: "kinda unkempt right now") so I'll maybe do a virtual tour after I've put up the laundry and cleaned up after breakfast.
Another reason why I'm in Leeds is school (the park next to LUBS- Leeds University Business School- pictured above). I just got through 2 weeks of induction (which is a weird English way of saying "introduction" or "orientation"). The first week was the hardest, and I'd like to use a quote from one of Luke's friends, Travis, "More like BORientation!", which sums it up great. I think the first "international" induction week was mostly set up for people from
very different countries/backgrounds, who have never been to England, met an English person, or read about England or Britain. Having an hour-long seminar/comedy sketch about why you should wait in line (and not cut), and what to say when people ask "are you alright?" (English version of "how are you?"--- the answer is always "fine", because no one was really asking about your medical history and life's woes) felt a little silly to me, but was apparently very useful for some other students. Cambodia was a blast, but it is pretty nice to be in the land of "civility" and over-politeness and American-sized personal space allowances.
they just get it |
As far as classes go, I've only had one, so you will have to wait on news for that. Leeds is actually really nice, and it's a little hilly but everything
*'s withing walking distance so I plan to have quite the fit bum (
trans: "a nice ass") come Christmas. For now, I am settling and nesting, and even considering making a friend or two (it can be kind of hard for me, because I tend to like very few people or things that aren't directly related to cats).
I had a great time meeting Luke's lab mates and boss while they had a few other labs visiting for a conference. I'm looking forward to hanging out with them again, and they seem to be pleased by me (and surprised that Luke would choose someone so... robust). I also got to hold a guinea pig for a while, and it didn't pee or poo on me, so that was a bonus because whenever I get near rodents, that's what they usually do. I hope I haven't offended anyone by calling them rodents, I think that's what they are (right?).
Time for me to get to showering and the constant negotiation that is my hair... until next time!
* except IKEA. It's some sort of Swedish rule that IKEA can never be easy to get to, and you always have to make friends with someone with a car if you want to go there. Separates the wheat from the chaff.
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